Your doctor

Prior to the surgery, your surgeon will receive the patient specific MySpine instruments and the plastic 3D replicas of your corresponding vertebrae. This will be analyzed to accurately prepare for your spine operation.

Your calendar

Four weeks before surgery
Quitting smoking is the single best thing you can do to potentially have your wound heal, bone fuse and reduce risks of infection.

Ten days before surgery
According to your conditions, you might be asked to discontinue arthritis medication. Aspirin, aspirin-containing medications and antiplatelet drugs should be discussed with your physician since many of these drugs can cause interactions with others in preparation for surgery.

Before surgery

The night before surgery
Unless otherwise directed by your doctor DO NOT eat or drink anything after midnight. This includes no water, gum, candies and do not smoke. Brush your teeth and spit out the water. Be sure to have a bowel movement prior to the surgery, using a suppository or laxative if necessary.

The morning of surgery
Clean your body. Do not apply lotions or powders to your surgical area or legs. Take only the medications directed by your physician. Take them with the smallest amount of water needed to swallow the medication (only a sip).

Special equipment

After the intervention, special equipment, such as support stockings and orthoses, maybe needed. You can rent or buy these from specialized shops.
Check with your physical therapist.

Arrange for help

  • You will not be able to drive for a certain amount of time after your surgery.
  • Make arrangements to have someone stay with you, if needed.
  • Have family or friends available to assist you once you’re home.


Reduce your risk of a fall

  • Remove any throw rugs.
  • Tack down any loose carpeting so walking will be safer.
  • Look around the room for other hazards and remove them.
  • Wear shoes with non-skid soles (not house slippers).
  • Make sure you have a supportive, comfortable chair in your home.